Choose Setup From: Describe your setup:
Set the Message for Btn1:

Set the Label for Btn1:

Set the Image for Btn1:

Set the Action for Btn1:

Set the Link for Btn1:

Set the Message for Btn2:

Set the Label for Btn2:

Set the Image for Btn2:

Set the Action for Btn2:

Set the Link for Btn2:

Set the Message for Btn3:

Set the Label for Btn3:

Set the Image for Btn3:

Set the Action for Btn3:

Set the Link for Btn3:

Set the Message for Btn4:

Set the Label for Btn4:

Set the Image for Btn4:

Set the Action for Btn4:

Set the Link for Btn4:

This page uses local storage to remember up to 12 page setups. If you click on a setup from the drop down menu you should also see a description, if the setup has been defined and saved.

These setups will be available only on the computer on which they were created (and in the browser in which they were created.)

The setups will remain indefinitely, or until the local storage is cleared. Check your browser's help service to find out how to clear local storage.

You can change what each button says when it is clicked by editing the "Message."

You can change what each button says when it receives the focus by editing the "Label," which also changes the text beneath the picture.

You can change the picture associated with each button by pasting the picture address (URL) into the "Image."

Click the "Update Page" button to preview any changes.

To save a setup for later retrieval, select any setup (except Default) from the drop down menu, enter a description, and click "Save Setup".

Always provide a brief description by editing "Describe your setup."

To retrieve a setup, click a setup from the drop down menu, then click the "Get Setup" button.

To change which setup you see when the page loads, choose a setup from the drop down menu and click "Use this setup on page open". Choose the "Default" setup to restore the original Yes/No page for the opening choices.

Clearing Local Storage will delete all setups. Each browser (or platform) may have different means for clearing Local Storage.

I recommend using as a resource for all of your pictures.

4 choices